
Blog » 7 Days, 5 Auctions and Over 1,500 Miles

7 Days, 5 Auctions and Over 1,500 Miles

Posted: 15/11/19 (14:54pm)

When I got home last night it was the end of a mammoth road trip lasting 7 days, attending 5 auctions and driving over 1,500 miles. It had been one of the best buying trips I have had. Too many times I head out on the road, only to return with less stock than I had hoped for meaning that I have to hit the road again soon. After unpacking the car and laying out my purchases I felt jubilant but was too tired to celebrate and was in bed soon after 9pm. I went out like a light!

I was up early this morning, still tired but eager to begin cleaning and photographing my 23 new purchases. I will be listing them over the coming days and weeks, beginning with five or six today.

Here’s a taster of what’s to come…

