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18/19th Century Silver Mounted Saif Sword. Hyderabad Made Circa 1800. #2407023
19th Century Ottoman Empire Cavalry Sabre. Shamshir. #2402021
British 1788 Pattern Light Cavalry Troopers Sabre. Thomas Gill Circa 1788-1792. #2412004
British 1820 Pattern Coastguard Cutlass. #2407034
British 1821 Pattern Light Cavalry Troopers Sword. Early Example. #2412006
British 1827 Pattern Volunteer Rifles Officers Sword. Hebbert & Co. 1860. #2501002
British 1827/46 Pattern Parade Condition Royal Navy Officers Sword. EIIR. #2310006
British 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Piquet Weight Sword. #2404007
British 1856 Pattern Edward VII Royal Artillery Officers Sword. #2404012
British 1879 Martini Henry Saw Toothed Artillery Sword Bayonet. #2412001
British 1885 Pattern Cavalry Troopers Sword. Fife Light Horse. #2412008
British 1892 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword. Wilkinson. #2412009
British 1897 Pattern Boer War Royal Engineer Officers Sword. S. J. Pillin. #2405006
British Georgian Mameluke Sabre. Indian Wootz Steel Blade. Circa 1800. #2407010
British Prototype 1882 Short Pattern Cavalry Sword. MOLE. #2412007
British Royal Army Service Corps Sword. WW1. #2404014
British Victorian Mounted Police Sword. #2401001
Chinese Boxer Rebellion Qing Dynasty Duandao. 19th Century Short Sword. #2407024
Chinese Late Qing Dynasty Duandao. 19th Century Chinese Hanger Sword. #2407025
French Model 1791 Grenadiers Sabre Briquet. French Revolution Short Sword. #2105001
French Naval Cutlass Early 19th Century. Very Rare. #2407018
French Revolution/Napoleonic Period Hussar Officers Sabre Circa 1795-1810. #2407033
German M1852/79 Prussian Cavalry Officers Pipe-Back Sword. #2407011
German WW2 M1890 Army NCO Sword. #2402022
German. Prussian Hussars KD1889 Cavalry Sword. #2404015
Japanese Type 95 Middle Pattern WW2 NCO Sword. 1941. #2304002
Spanish Boca De Caballo Cavalry Sword Circa 1700. #2407015#
18/19th Century Silver Mounted Saif Sword. Hyderabad Made Circa 1800. #2407023
19th Century Ottoman Empire Cavalry Sabre. Shamshir. #2402021
British 1788 Pattern Light Cavalry Troopers Sabre. Thomas Gill Circa 1788-1792. #2412004
British 1820 Pattern Coastguard Cutlass. #2407034
British 1821 Pattern Light Cavalry Troopers Sword. Early Example. #2412006
British 1827 Pattern Volunteer Rifles Officers Sword. Hebbert & Co. 1860. #2501002